Table of Contents


Greetings❀️, everyone! I hope you're doing well. Today, we embark on a journey to fortify our social media accounts by busting common hacking myths and implementing easy yet effective security measures. we also see how hackers hack into any social media account, No time to waste; let's get started!

In this blog post, we'll explore essential steps to secure your social media accounts, ensuring your online presence remains protected. Additionally, we'll dispel the misconceptions surrounding hacking, empowering you with valuable insights to stay ahead of potential threats.

Let's dive in and create a safe digital environment for ourselves!

How Hackers hack any social media account

Hackers employ various techniques and methods to gain unauthorized access to your social media accounts. Below are some of the common tactics used by hackers.

Social Engineering

Social engineering is a common hacking technique that involves manipulating people into performing certain actions or divulging confidential information. Hackers use social engineering to trick people into revealing their passwords or other sensitive information.

For example, a hacker may send you an email claiming to be from Facebook, asking you to reset your password. The email may contain a link to a fake Facebook login page that looks identical to the original. When you enter your credentials on the fake page, the hacker gains access to your account.

Phishing Attacks

Phishing is a type of social engineering attack that involves sending fraudulent emails to trick people into revealing sensitive information. Hackers use phishing attacks to steal your Facebook credentials and gain access to your account.

For example, a hacker may send you an email claiming to be from Facebook, asking you to reset your password. The email may contain a link to a fake Facebook login page that looks identical to the original. When you enter your credentials on the fake page, the hacker gains access to your account.

Brute Force Attacks

Brute force attacks are a type of cyberattack that involves trying every possible combination of characters to guess your password. Hackers use brute force attacks to gain access to your Facebook account.

For example, a hacker may use a brute force attack to guess your password by trying every possible combination of characters. If the hacker guesses your password correctly, they gain access to your account.

Cookie stealing is a type of cyberattack that involves stealing your Facebook cookies to gain access to your account. Hackers use cookie stealing to gain access to your Facebook account.

For example, a hacker may use a cookie stealing attack to steal your Facebook cookies. If the hacker steals your cookies successfully, they gain access to your account.

Security Vulnerabilities

Security vulnerabilities are flaws in software that can be exploited by hackers to gain access to your Facebook account. Hackers use security vulnerabilities to gain access to your Facebook account.

For example, a hacker may use a security vulnerability to gain access to your Facebook account. If the hacker exploits the security vulnerability successfully, they gain access to your account.

Password Reuse

Password reuse is a common practice that involves using the same password for multiple accounts. Hackers use password reuse to gain access to your Facebook account.

For example, a hacker may use password reuse to gain access to your Facebook account. If the hacker gains access to your account, they can use it to gain access to other accounts.

SIM Swapping

SIM swapping is a type of cyberattack that involves swapping your SIM card with a hacker's SIM card. Hackers use SIM swapping to gain access to your Facebook account.

For example, a hacker may use SIM swapping to gain access to your Facebook account. If the hacker swaps your SIM card successfully, they gain access to your account.

How to hack facebook account

Facebook is the most popular social media platform, with over 2.8 billion active users. It's no surprise that hackers target Facebook accounts to gain access to sensitive information. Let's explore some of the common methods used by hackers to hack Facebook accounts.

In this Blog post we are going to see how we can hack facebook id using Phishing Attack. We are going to use a phishing tool name EmptyPhish, which is created by evildevill

EmptyPhish is a phishing tool that allows you to create fake login pages for social media platforms to steal credentials. It's a simple tool that can be used by anyone with basic computer knowledge.

Let's see how we can use EmptyPhish to hack Facebook accounts.


  • Kali Linux
  • Termux
  • Fast Internet

You can use any kali or termux its your choice

Step 1: Download EmptyPhish

First, we need to download EmptyPhish from GitHub. You can download it from the link below.

EmptyPhish or you can follow these steps to download and install it from GitHub.

Open the terminal and type the following command to download EmptyPhish from GitHub.

git clone

Once the download is complete, navigate to the EmptyPhish directory.

cd EmptyPhish

Now, run the following command to install the dependencies.


Once the installation is complete, you can run EmptyPhish by typing the following command.


Now, you can see the EmptyPhish menu.


Step 2: Create a Facebook Phishing Page

Now, we need to create a Facebook phishing page using EmptyPhish. To do this, select one from the EmptyPhish menu.

it shows you the list of available phishing pages.

Now, select one from the given options. For example, I'm going to select the Traditional Login page. so i type 1 and Hit Enter


Now, it shows you the available port forwording options. Select any one of them, when you select any option it will ask you for a custom port number just type n and then Hit Enter. After This it will give you the link Just copy this link and send It to your victim. when your victims open this link and enters his username & password it will appers on your terminal.
That's How hackers hack our social media accounts using Phishing Attacks.